Wednesday 26 November 2014


Have shifted to this new blog from

Since more and more sites are popping up doing translations of Korean netizens comments, I thought I should do one for Wonder Girls. Before reading my translations, please take note of the following:

1. I select articles which have a size-able amount of comments (at least 15) to translate

2. Articles that have comments already translated by other sites will not be translated here

3. I will translate both positive and negative comments. Since this is a tumblr to inform fans of the general Korean netizens sentiments, both types of comments will be translated.

4. I mainly translate from these websites: naver, nate/pann, bestiz, instiz.

5. Do not perceive the comments here as the sensitiments of most Koreans. They are just netizens, sometimes trolls/antis. Increasingly, there are international fans who also add on to those comments (in Korean).

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