Tuesday 13 January 2015

Naver: Actress Ahn Sohee, to move on from 'Omona'

Source: http://news.naver.com/main/ranking/read.nhn?mid=etc&sid1=111&rankingType=popular_day&oid=311&aid=0000427053&date=20150109&type=1&rankingSectionId=106&rankingSeq=17

[+2966, -115] Kids nowadays do not know about Sohee's omona... I am sure most people would have tried it back then

[+1996, -370] She flopped because of Wonder Girls leader

[+1502, 99] Actress Ahn Sohee...

[+1399, -484] Why does she look so countrified

[+1087, -176] Weird outfit, open it up

[+281, -60] Speaking from a third party point of view, I can't see her talent nor her aspirations. Her 'omona' was pure luck... now that she is older, she is searching for a second career.

[+218, -51] Other than her body proportions, she is rather average... even the comments on her vocals and acting skills are laughable... totally no talent

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