Thursday 16 April 2015

Instiz: Wonder Girls' members bond


Reader's request.

- I miss them ㅜㅜㅜ (50% of the comments)
- Wonder Girls, hurry up and come back to us
- Hurry up and come back as 6WG
- Why are they still living in dorms...?
- Glad to know they have good relationship
- They are even living with Sunmi... I miss Wonder Girls...
- Wonder Girls jjang jjang!
- Their bond is still as strong as before... great...
- JYP, I'm begging you to give Wonder Girls a comeback album

Wednesday 8 April 2015

JYP says no plans for a Wonder Girls comeback at the moment


Compilation of reactions from various community:
- Why...
- What will that Yubin do now
- Then... start... planning... now
- Cheated my feelings
- I do not want to hear this!!!
- Hull ㅠㅠ
- Time to move on. The ones who have clear idea of what they want will do better e.g. Sohee, Sunye, Sunmi
- Besides Sunye and Yeeun, the others can't sing
- At least they are not disbanding, there is still hope
- I miss Wonder Girls... I want to hear their songs...
- It is not wise to recruit a new member and Sohee is going to be busy with her new movie soon... this is expected
- Without their visual (Sohee) and best singer (Sunye), they can't really function well... don't tell me about the other members being as pretty or sing as well... you won't understand the public who see the group lost their two most iconic members.
- I miss Wonder Girls!!!
- Disappointed with JYP