Tuesday 3 February 2015

Naver: Hyerim's whereabouts, showing off a perfect body

Source: http://news.naver.com/main/read.nhn?mode=LSD&mid=shm&sid1=106&oid=241&aid=0002331332

[+115, 9] She is the most unlucky member in Wonder Girls

[+84, -6] Only the name of this legendary group remains

[+57, -6] Once her contract ends she will return to her own country haha

[+32, -1] Perfect body? How do you see it from this squatting position?

[+30, -2] JYP needs to settle this personally. Either disband Wonder Girls, or remove the members (Sunye and Sohee) who do not wish to continue as singers and add new members... what wrong did she commit? She joined Wonder Girls late but her period as a singer was so short.

[+30, -2] Poor thing, she could have done better if she debuted in Miss A

[+38, -12] Wonder Girls is virtually over now

[+39, -18] Out of those foreign idols who came to Korea to make a living, she is the worst of them all. Wonder Girls disbanded after Sunye's marriage...

[+20, -1] Show me where is the perfect body

[+12, -0] Wonder Girls is nothing without Sohee and Sunye...

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