Monday 9 February 2015

Naver: Wonder Girls Sunye recent appearance, a mother's heartwarming smile


[+25328, -176] What's with the mosaic

[+19122 -140] Got a shock looking at the child's face

[+7853, -837] I miss Wonder Girls

[+6363, -616] Wish you happiness~~

[+5858, -586] Hope that you manage your family well!

[+1680, -46] The mosaic was done in poor taste

[+1553, -21] Why did they use this kind of mosaic on a child's face... scary!

[+1430, -30] Why mosaic when you are going to reveal the photos... it looks like stills from a horror movie

[+1414, -24] Got scared looking at the photos... why did they mosaic her like that

[+1379, -29] Why mosaic it this way... just put a heart sticker will do

[+1197, -29] Should have use other methods to blur out the child's face. Mosaic using the same color as the skin gives me goosebumps... Wish the both of you the best, when is Sunye going to return to Wonder Girls? Missing the look of you when you are singing!

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