Tuesday 30 December 2014

Naver: Ahn Sohee looking like a doll!

Source: http://news.naver.com/main/read.nhn?mid=hot&sid1=106&cid=845731&iid=828758&oid=112&aid=0002660882&mode=LSD

[+2025, -81] Ha, a real fashion disaster. The disastrous makeup aside, her hair is too messy and her outfit looks like it is made out of pieces of paper.

[+1012, -27] Time to change her coordi.

[+1126, -460] What's with her clothes? At least she is more natural looking than those plastic surgery monsters.

[+642, -27] Sohee, time to change your coordi. Who created this look? I can't even bear to look.

[+177, -25] Why is the journalist likening her to a doll?

[+112, -8] It's hopeless, whatever happened to her hair?

[+92, -5] From nose up, she looks like Kim Wan-sun.

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