Thursday 11 December 2014

The Sunye Issue

There had been many articles these days on Sunye's supposedly lack of interest in showbiz . Netizens' comments have already been translated by NB.

It became a big concern among the Korean Wonderfuls when comments were made of Sunye's faith and religion. The netizens who made these comments were ill-informed of what exactly Sunye was doing as a missionary and the discrimination level against missionary is high. I will translate some of the clarifications or points raised about Sunye's missionary activities.

Yes, Sunye did say things like she would like to spread the gospel, but that is all in the larger context of things. She is not going to be stalking outside mosque to convert people or point a gun at someone to force them to convert. She is only sharing about her religion through her actions of helping people, and through that, there may be some people who will embrace the love of God. The choice is ultimately up to the person. Sure there may be some missionaries who do otherwise, but those are just the bad apples of the bunch.

The points below are based on accounts from people whom she had helped and people whom she worked with:

1) She gives help (donations and physical help), within her ability, to people in need, regardless of religion.

2) She does not force anyone to convert to her religion.

3) She does not go around Haiti telling people to convert. She only gives testimony at churches or other Christian-related events/venue.

4) In Haiti, she cooks for the volunteers and helped out with the logistics.

5) Her organization is mainly involve in a worker rehabilitation program (teaching disabled people skills which are useful for them in finding a job) and a seminary school for pastors.

6) She, and James, are considerate towards people of other faith. This is evidenced by the replies they gave to fans of other religion.

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