Tuesday 30 December 2014

Naver: Heart to Heart Sohee 'Comparison with Im Siwan who received positive reviews'

Source: http://news.naver.com/main/ranking/read.nhn?mid=etc&sid1=111&rankingType=popular_day&oid=109&aid=0002962541&date=20141230&type=1&rankingSectionId=106&rankingSeq=30

[+2998, -24] Think about it, Im Siwan is the hoobae

[+3238, -294] Sohee has no talent and is very passive... it is amazing she is even an artiste. That said, her body proportions are good, is celebrity-material.

[+2531, -221] ㅠㅠ Sorry Sohee, you are not comparable with Im Siwan

[+1996, -48] Do not even bother ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

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